Paranormal or Pareidolia Captures

Recently we’ve received lots of pictures from guests who have attended our events across the country where it looks like they have captured something paranormal on them. In most cases there is often a non paranormal reason for the images caught, however sometimes we see something that isn’t necessarily there, but our mind tells us it must be as we did not see it when we took the photo, which is what we term as pareidolia. Here is the definition of Pareidolia, ‘a situation in which someone sees a pattern or image of something that does not exist, for example a face in a cloud‘ (, 20.11.2023).

I find this topic quite interesting and as a paranormal investigator, I feel it is important that I can keep this in mind whilst investigating as well as when we receive pictures from people who have been to our events. Often people may see a face peering through a window or even capture this phenomenon on camera, but again, 9 times out of 10, if we investigate further, it is often caused by the aged glass which has slightly warped or stained or some form of damage or even a bush on the outside. however there is that 1 in 10 photo that we just simply can’t explain, and believe me, we get some fantastic images sent to us. Below I have put together some of the most interesting and some spine chilling photos which guests and team alike, have taken and sent to us.

Probably one of our best captures to date and one we or the guests at the event can explain. This was taken at our Halloween event a number of years ago at the Abandoned Park Hotel in Morecambe. The picture is of all the guests together and as usual we take at least 3 pictures, one after the other, as quickly as possible. Upon closer inspection and for some strange reason, I sat and counted the number of guests in the image, on the first one, all were accounted for, then on the second photo I noticed something different so counted the guests on this one to find we had an extra person in the group. I asked all guests to check the image and they could all identify themselves, but no one knew who the extra face belonged to and it certainly did not look like any one in attendance. This picture was also picked up by CHAT! It’s Fate magazine who ran an article on this picture. Check it out for yourselves below.

Next is a picture sent to us by a guest who joined us at the amazing 30 East Drive in Pontefract. During the sleepover part of the night, he was taking pictures around the house and the following day when he checked through them, came across the image below. The photo was taken from the landing, looking into the parents bedroom and on this one, there appears to be a dark shadow standing to the side of the doorway…….. what do you think of this photo?

The following photo was taken by a guest at Woodchester Mansion back in 2019. Whilst standing with a group of guests and two members of our team, she took a photograph looking down one of the long corridors and immediately this image appeared to all our surprise. There was no torch or any form of lighting behind her only the flash of her camera. So, with no one in front of the flash, how has this figure been cast if it’s not paranormal? This will always remain a mystery to us and something we can only put down to being paranormal!!

I have selected the next set of photo’s to discuss as they are interesting and often cause a great difference of opinion. Paranormal or not, they are an interesting capture and is something we cant explain. Taken at Armley Mills in 2023, the guest took a series of photo’s in quick succession and didn’t notice anything on the first couple of images, however on one picture a strange streak of mist or light has appeared and then on the next it had gone again. I personally can’t say what could be causing this as it only appears on the one image, which makes it more paranormal than pareidolia for me. What are your thoughts?

The picture I am now going to present was taken by a member of the Haunted Adventures team at the same Armley Mills event in 2023 as the above pictures were taken. This was captured in the cottage area of the mill and she felt drawn to the staircase and decided to take a few pictures. The first one was clear with no disturbances etc. on it. The second one however was very different. The entire area appeared blurred and darker and on closer inspection she noticed what appears to be a face peering through the spindles on the stair case. Some people have even reported being able to see a second figure behind the face, however I have difficulty finding this. The face I can see however, does make me shiver a little. Take a look for yourself.

The final picture i am going to share on this blog, is probably the picture that has caused me to shiver and tingle time after time. The guest sent a few images through to us and I spent quite a while looking at them but just couldn’t see what she said she could. Then she sent through a zoomed in version of picture. Now on the first 2 pictures there is nothing to see, then the third one is a different story! The fourth, the figure is gone. All photos were taken one after the other and I actually observed the pictures being taken and can categorically state that there was no one living standing or walking about the theatre at this time. When I checked the zoomed in image the guest had sent, I went cold, the hairs on the back of my neck stood up and let out a strange little noise (one which I have never been able to repeat). Examine it for yourselves. Now what is important to remember about this location is it was an old priory and church. If you check what appears to be around the figures neck, perhaps it may explain his presence. Enjoy!!

Thank you to everyone for sending us the amazing pictures you capture at our events, please keep them coming as we love seeing them. Thank you for taking the time to read this blog and I hope you pop back next week to read my next one.

Thanks and take care, Gareth

30 East Drive

As someone who has been investigating the paranormal for almost 26 years and having grown up in my very own haunted house, 30 East Drive became an iconic location not just for me but for many, many others too. A location I had been fascinated with ever since I heard my Mum make reference to

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Paranormal or Pareidolia Captures

Recently we’ve received lots of pictures from guests who have attended our events across the country where it looks like they have captured something paranormal on them. In most cases there is often a non paranormal reason for the images caught, however sometimes we see something that isn’t necessarily there, but our mind tells us

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Scolton Manor

Scolton Manor Review

This was our first ever investigation at Scolton Manor in Pembrokeshire and oh! What a night it was! A location we would now certainly not recommend for the feint hearted. As we drove up the driveway in the pitch black of night, through the tall trees and bushes suddenly appears the pale manor house, impressive

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